This is the 'original' but restored Mill Race underneath the apartments. It freaked me out all weekend filling up and draining through the sluices..... but was beautifully inspiring and calming.

This is the scene from outside and from most of the windows of the Mill Apartments... *sigh* ... sooooo peaceful and quiet

And..... relax once it's all over. I'll hunt out piccies of the weekend and share them,but for now, thats all I got chance to take!!!

Ok, so I can't remember how many classes / projects I said you'd be getting with your money, but I'm pretty sure that we've outdone what we expected!!  With closing the shop we've had plenty of excess stock to need using, so thought we'd do some classes with those as well as the new gorgeous stash in your goodie bags. (And your goodie bags aren't as straighforward as they sound..... all will be revealed)

So here are FIVE layout projects designed by myself and mum, only sneaky peeks I'm afraid, don't want to spoil your fun.  Claire has another two layouts, and a christmas journal.  Mum and I both have another couple of projects for you too.  

I'll post more sneaks when I've photographed them.

Steph x

Venue piccies

We went back to Butley Mills last weekend to finalise all the arrangements, and decide on rooms and where tables will go etc.  Thought you might all appreciate some piccies of the venue, particularly as I'd forgotten just how amazing, beautiful, inspirational and well decorated it was.  I absolutely cannot wait for THREE WEEKENDS TIME!! :)

Not only that, but I'll be sharing some sneaky pics of projects in the next post.... here goes....

Steph x